It is important for the Horn family to be integrated into the natural energy cycle as much as possible.

Chicken farm

The owner-run chicken farm of the Horn family is operated under strict European and German guidelines. It is important for the Horn family to be integrated into the natural energy cycle as much as possible. In addition to the chicken farm they grow their own grain and animal feed and use them for their farm. A further factor of their environmentally friendly approach is the solar electricity production on their own rooftop and a biogas plant for their own heat and power supply.

1 MW
ca. 520 t/a


Brandenburg, Germany
0.848 ha
approx. 880,000 kWh/a
»Neue Energie«


Stefan Albrecht
Project Management, Engineer
Clément Delhoume
Project Engineer
Marc Iori
Marketing & Communication
Christoph Prenosil
Marketing & Communication
Thilo von Haas
Project Management, Monitoring of Construction & Operation

for the local community

  • autonomous supply of clean energy available for all inhabitants

for the environment

  • use of built-up area (i.e. rooftop installation) – no additional restructuring of land

… and more special features

  • Solar rooftop system integrated into a complete renewable and carbon neutral concept for power and heating of a commercial farm
  • Closing the energy cycle: cultivation of natural products, organically-oriented animal breeding, future energy and heat supply from feedlot operation through a biogas plant, lease and utilization of rooftop for the production of solar energy.
  • Commissioning event with participation of school groups for an active exploration of the functioning and effect of solar power


In content and timing this reference refers solely to the activities detailed above of the team named above, who were then acting as employees of the Aktiengesellschaft für Erneuerbare Energien.